Monday, February 7, 2011

Credit Card | Fisher Capital Management, a market economy does not yield

Fisher Capital Management Report, Part 1 – The global economic growth than what was once considered high expectations in the third quarter, real GDP (gross domestic product adjusted for inflation) increased 3.5% annual pace in the previous quarter. In fact, this was the first rise in economic activity after four successive falls in GDP quarterly. Although this is technically the end of a recession, we note that in one year than the previous year (yoy) basis for economic activity declined 2.3%, but is an improvement from -3.8% in the second quarter, the worst annual decline in seven decades. The components of GDP growth in personal consumption increased 3.4% as incentive programs "money pots were held" that allows the consumer spending by the largest amount in two years has increased. housing construction has increased at an annual rate of 23%, driven by revenue claim of $ 8,000 for first time buyers. A further decline in stock turnover is also the issue as public spending growth (2.3%). Although companies in equipment and software spending, increased fixed investment remains weak.
The performance of the market, the U.S. economy: Fisher Capital Management Report – How to reduce the positive effects of federal stimulus, we are confident that economic recovery is "less spectacular" than the previous project experience. If economic growth has improved government programs encouraged the consumption of housing and cars, our concern is based on the capacity of economys, these growth rates that government programs continue to disappear. Indeed, personal spending fell 0.5% in September following the money "to scrap" program ended in August. Consumer confidence in October and the unemployment rate approaching 10% weaker. Until we have a sustainable floor in the room and a roof to the experience of unemployment, it is suggested that output growth depends on exports, inventories and government spending, areas that are characterized as a "cushion" for growth.
The performance of the market, the U.S. economy: Stay Fisher Capital Management Report – As the unemployment rate remains in the range of 10% and Fed policy of keeping interest rates low for a time commitment "and" We are looking for GDP, the average extension rate of 2.5% in 2010.
Capital Fisher Management, Korea is an important global financial institution with extensive ties to financial institutions, institutional investors and companies around the world.
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