Tuesday, August 2, 2011

China - World's First Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturing Power by Fisher Capital Equipment Update

Fisher Capital Equipment Management Update- China has become the world's first internal combustion engine manufacturing power - engine oil - construction machinery industry. Avoid online internet scams; get latest updates on Fisher Capital Equipment Management website.  At Tianjin University in a few days ago " Energy Power "Academic Forum, Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Combustion Yao Ming-Fa fellow director, said China's current annual production has more than 60 million internal combustion units, is the world's first internal combustion engine manufacturing country. With internal combustion engine as the power source of the power system in the next 30-50 years is still the main driving force for most, it will be the internal combustion engine energy saving energy saving in China the main battlefield of the future

 "Energy and Power," Academic Forum, Tianjin University to celebrate the State Key Laboratory of Combustion opened in 20 years held. Forums, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences Gob, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Hui Guo, Tianjin University, State Key Laboratory of Combustion chief scientist Wan-Hua Su, China FAW Car Research chief engineer Li Kang and other experts, including prior agreement will concern the focus of great concern in the current domestic and international economic  and energy savings on carbon.

China - world's first internal combustion engine manufacturing power – Fisher Capital Equipment Update. Avoid online internet scams; get latest updates on Fisher Capital Equipment Management website. Researcher, according to Yao Ming-Fa, the internal combustion engine Oil Oil consumption is about 66% of total consumption, China's dependence on oil imports more than 50%. Engine emissions and noise are also major sources of air and the environment, the city more than 50% of the harmful gases from motor vehicle emissions from combustion engines. "But the burning Engine Still the main power source in the future, fuel efficient and clean burning combustion technology is still theoretical and academic frontier. Conventional internal combustion engine is still 50% of the energy potential of renewable fuels, new synthetic fuel efficient and clean combustion is an important aspect of new energy to pursue low-carbon power has become an important international political issues, combustion engine fuel diversification energy diversification is a trend. “

 Laboratory Academic Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences said Xu Jianzhong, although in recent decades, fossil energy is still the main source of energy, but from now on to create carbon-free, low-carbon energy system, the occupation of energy technology and industrial high ground, China's Industrial development.

1989 Tianjin University completed an open State Key Laboratory of Engine Combustion engine of China's only State Key Laboratory of the field. Combination of the laboratory "energy", "environment" and "power" major national needs and international academic front, the main research interests include internal combustion engine combustion process and optimum control of the internal combustion engine generates harmful emissions, and atmospheric environmental impact post-processing technology research, alternative fuels and new engine Power Plant Study, dynamic mechanical structural strength, vibration, noise and lubrication technology research.

Experts at the forum agreed that the green energy and low-carbon economy is becoming the leading technology and industrial revolution in the next major direction of our country is facing domestic pressure to reduce carbon emissions, carbon emissions will be the internal combustion engine technology to drive future the development of one of the main sources of power. The face of this international situation, Yao Ming-fa introducing the laboratory researcher, said the future direction of development, energy-efficient internal combustion engine and reduce harmful emissions and reducing carbon emissions are the characteristics of the laboratory, while the aircraft engines, space propulsion in the field expansion side laboratory has also made encouraging progress. "We will continue to innovate and operational mechanisms to accelerate the pace of development, take on the achievement of national goals of scientific research and high-level personnel training duty. Efforts to build a world-class laboratory research center of the engine, to meet China in the 'energy,' 'Environment' and 'advanced power' to make a significant contribution to the demand. "

Fisher Capital Equipment Update - Machine Components Industry in China Problems

Fisher Capital Equipment Management Update- Machine Components Industry in China Problems and their causes - the machinery, basic parts - construction machinery industry. Avoid online internet scams; get latest updates on Fisher Capital Equipment Management website. As our country on the basis of pieces of machinery in Machinery Industry Awareness of the importance of late, long-term lack of investment, leading the entire industry based on poor, weak economic foundation and strength of the weak. In particular, as the host country rises the level of basic pieces of machinery behind the main bottleneck is becoming more apparent. In recent years, although the introduction of technology, technological innovation, scientific research and development, our country has given some support, but with the current level of market demand and overseas, there remains no small gap, in particular in: less product variety, low level quality of instability, early failure rate, and poor reliability.

 China Machine Components product variety, small size, especially a big gap between high-end products can not meet the growing needs of the host. At present, various types of host based piece of performance indicators is roughly equivalent to the level of foreign 20th century 80s. Quality of instability, early failure rate, reliability is poor, the Achilles heel of basic items. Therefore, many OEMs to enhance the market competitiveness of its host, often choose to import the basis of supporting documents, resulting in domestic basic parts, especially the low-tech products, the domestic market share declined. Although China's exports of basic items has obvious advantages, but mainly labor-intensive products, the number of large, low-value, technology added value.

Present, China Machine Components Industry of the following main issues: First, redundant construction seriously, the low degree of specialization, not form scale, low economic efficiency, Machine Components, compared with the host enterprises to establish an initial financial and technical inputs required relatively few times in the national economic development period, have increased the number of basic parts manufacturer, also appeared along a large number of low-level duplicated construction, multi-point, volume is small, not form economies of scale. Basic pieces of business, while gradually independent of the OE, but most of the enterprise itself is large and, small but complete, low degree of specialization, the level of equipment is not high, the quality of instability, low economic efficiency. If China Bearing Annual output of three large enterprise sector bearing less than the sum of a well-known foreign companies 50%. The past two years, China built nearly one hundred Hydraulic Parts Plant, but the annual output of 300,000 or more only a few, the main product is Agricultural Machinery Matching. The company's annual output of Germany Rexroth hydraulic items 1.3 million, the Japanese oil research (strain) is also an annual output of 600,000 or more. Industrialized countries die of about 150 000 companies per capita output to 20 million, China's only 4 million to 50 thousand yuan. In recent years, with a variety of common development policies, the ownership, basic parts industry is experiencing increasingly focus from scattered to the intensive development process.

Fisher Capital Equipment Management Update- Machine Components Industry in China Problems and their causes - the machinery, basic parts - construction machinery industry Avoid online internet scams, get latest updates on Fisher Capital Equipment Management website.

Second, weak research and development, insufficient capital investment, technological progress is slow. Basic pieces of 70 different industries in the late 20th century, early 80s to early introduction of a number of foreign advanced technologies, but the lack of adequate absorption of the hardware and software investment. According to foreign experience, required for digestion and absorption of imported technology and capital ratio of approximately 1:7, and our understanding of this late, slow digestion and absorption steps. Technical strength of competition in the market is actually a contest. Have attached great importance to overseas, have increased investment, occupy high ground. Various well-known companies for research and development funds account for its Sell Amount of 4% to 5%, 10% in key areas. Although many institutions of higher learning in China at present engaged in research work, a lot of theoretical research, scientific research, patents, and papers have a very high level, but actual production is not tightly integrated, especially into commodities slow.

Third and related raw materials, backward technology, low level of technology and technological equipment the foundation of the development constraints.

Fasteners, chains, springs, bearings, molds and other steel products used by the poor quality specifications less direct impact on the quality of basic items, while the hydraulic pressure and hydraulic pressure castings and quality of products related to electronic control technology backward, but also directly affect the quality and reliability of hydraulic components. Mechanical parts are generally based on batch, mass production, but also more variety, high precision machining products, and therefore require high technology and equipment production, large investment. Foreign multi-use high efficiency and precision of the plane, line or soft line for efficient automated production. However, some basic pieces of our business by financial constraints input small businesses transform themselves poor, less advanced equipment not matching, affect product quality and quality.

Fisher Capital Equipment Update - Market slams Fisher and Paykel on profit Warning

The share market has come down hard on Fisher & Paykel Appliances - with its shares falling 40 per cent after the company issued a profit warning today.

The whiteware manufacturer's shares, which were worth $2.94 this time last year and worth $1 on Friday, went into free fall and are currently trading at just 60 cents, a 40 cent fall.

Earlier today the company said it expected a net profit of $25 million to $30m, down up to 54 per cent on last year.

Due to the deterioration in the New Zealand dollar, Fisher & Paykel Appliances' total bank debt grew $122 from March last year to $512m at the end of January. It was predicted to be $570m by the end of March.

It is now looking at reviewing its capital structure and alternative sources of capital.

Fisher Capital Equipment Update - Market slams Fisher and Paykel on profit Warning - The market was very concerned the company had to come back with a capital raising, which was unexpected, said Hamilton, Hindin, and Greene director Grant Williamson.

The home appliance market had dropped off in all areas Fisher & Paykel exported to and there did not appear to be too many signs of a turnaround in world housing at the moment, he said.

"I think investors are starting to say; how long is it going to be before conditions change for the company? I think that's the biggest concern."
Williamson said Fisher & Paykel Appliances' wares were sold into most new homes but when very few new homes being built it would have a serious effect on their sales.

A 40 per cent drop in share value was a big hit for the share price to take but that was the general state of the market.

"If any company disappoints the market then the market is very harsh on their share price and we have certainly seen that this morning with Fisher & Paykel Appliances."

The company announced it would not proceed with a capital note issue and was looking an alternative source of capital.

The directors were considering the merits of issuing equity, including to a cornerstone investor.

Williamson said he did not believe a capital notes rising would have been particularly well received.

He did not see any short term bounce in the price until there was clarification around the structure of equity rising. That was expected to be announced in early March.

"At the moment there's still a fair degree of selling in the market place, around the 60c level."- NZPA
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